The Othert Art Fair - Saatchi Art

Este año, con fechas del 23 de marzo al 5 de junio, participo a The Other Art Fair, una feria virtual organizada por Saatchi Art, la mas prestigiosa plataforma de venta de arte a nivel mundial.
Con el uso de tecnologia 3D, es posible visitar mi booth (y toda la feria, con distintas modalidades.
Me emociona mucho este proyecto, he trabajado con Saatchi Art durante 7 años con enormes satisfacciones, y Saatchi me ha proporcionado mucha confianza en mi misma gracias a las ventas numerosas y mucha visibilidad, incluiendome en distintos proyectos y catalogos. Este es un logro mas!
Pronto publicaré el link de Acceso al Booth, con estreno el 23 de Mayo.
Espero lo disfruten!
This year, with dates from March 23 to June 5, participate in The Other Art Fair, a virtual fair organized by Saatchi Art, the worldwide art sales platform.
With the use of 3D technology, it is possible to visit my stand (and the entire fair, with different modalities.
I am very excited about this project, worked with Saatchi Art for 7 years with great satisfaction, and Saatchi has given me a lot of self-confidence thanks to numerous sales and a lot of visibility, including me in different projects and catalogues. This is one more achievement!
Soon I will publish the link for Access to the Stand, with the premiere on May 23.
I hope you'll enjoy it!
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